
A dramatic narrative series that brings to life the second half of the 20th Century as seen through the lens of Norman Mailer. Based on the critically acclaimed biography Norman Mailer: A Double Life by J. Michael Lennon.

In the age of interconnectivity, it is easy to get overwhelmed with the barrage of information being force-fed into our heads every moment of every day. As a result, our history is in danger of being misinterpreted, manipulated, ignored, and even forgotten.

Ask a Millennial why we entered the Vietnam War? Or how and why the Berlin Wall came down and what that signified? Ask your average Millennial who was responsible for attacking us on 9/11, or the justifications for why we invaded Iraq, and you will be shocked and awed to realize how little this generation knows about the second half of the 20th Century, and how that history has led us to the world we find ourselves navigating today.

By bringing to life the trajectory of America that Norman Mailer spent six decades writing about, MAILER - in addition to dramatizing the life of one of the most colorful, brilliant, challenging, entertaining, and misunderstood figures on the American stage - is the story of how America evolved from an isolationist country at the start of the century, to becoming the world empire we control today; an empire, that according to many, is in danger of coming to an end.

Through this series, the audience will be given a dramatic narrative with teeth, warmth, hope, strife, disappointments, tragedies, and triumphs that are contained in all the greatest epochs throughout time, and will emerge with a tangible understanding of how the 20th Century in America shaped the world they are beginning to take the reigns of today, as well as how that knowledge can inform the choices we all face as we move forward in our attempt to make the world what we want it to become.

Written and Created by: John Buffalo Mailer

Producers: Martin Tuchman, John Buffalo Mailer, Jennifer Gelfer, Rudy Langlais

Status: In Development